As healthcare providers we have taken an oath to do no harm first and we intend to follow through on that promise. You should know that each of us are remaining at home outside of work. We are all limiting our contact, wearing masks and continue to practice social distancing outside of the office. We ask that you do the same. In the office we will have the appropriate PPE and precautions in place to serve you as safely as possible.
New Precautions:
We will taking your O2 levels when you enter the office. The research is showing this to be superior to temperature taking.
We have staggered the schedule so that only one patient will be coming in at a time.
We have created 15 minute blocks after each appointment so that we have ample time to clean the room, equipment, door handles etc. between appointments.
We ask that our patients wear a mask, come in at their appointment time, no earlier and go straight to the bathroom to wash their hands. You will not be permitted to stay in the waiting room.
The doors to each room with remain open to allow proper ventilation and we will make sure to appropriately drape and cover each patient for modesty.
The therapists and front office manager will be wearing masks, scrubs and gloves.
Should you choose to stay home we are still scheduling Telehealth appointments and our DIY PT programs are available for purchase on our website. Please feel free to call 770-842-1418 or email us at admin@precisionpt.org if you would like to schedule an appointment.
We know this is a big change in the way we are all used to doing things. This is a difficult time and we need to get used to this transition together. My only hope is that someday in the near future we will be able to return to a somewhat "normal" routine. Let's all work together to protect our community.
With Love and gratitude,
Your Precision Team

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“Kate Edwards saved my life in 2015. During a visit intended for some routine maintenance prior to a race, Kate quickly recognized that I potentially had a major health issue looming that I did not see. Turned out she was right, and I credit her with saving my life. Kate has the unique ability to really understand her patients. She is dedicated to helping her patients find balance and reach their true potential with physical wellbeing.
Rewinding back to 2013, I was in poor health and decided to give running a try to kick start things. I quickly felt the benefits of being active, and also quickly found myself broken and not understanding why. Not being a lifelong athlete (or even part time athlete), I had no clue about how to train, or what physical signals to look for when things were going well or poorly.
I was referred to Kate by a doctor that I consulted with when a leg injury had stopped me from running. I quickly made an appointment with Kate, and my journey of healing and learning began. Kate probably would not tell you that on a scale of 1-5 for physical strength and balance as an athlete, I was a 0. Over a course of time Kate brought my body back into balance and strength and taught me the tools of how to keep it there. She took me from literally hobbling, to running a marathon; something I never would have dreamed of. No matter what your goals are, if you are willing to listen, learn, and put in the hard work, Kate will get you there.”
Marathon runer & triathlete

Runner & cyclist
"After 45 years of running and playing multiple sports, I've experienced my share of injuries and have utilized the services of virtually every type of professional in the medical community. There are many "1st level" medical professionals from which to choose. However, where do you go when even the best of these can't solve the problem? I was fortunate to have been referred to Dr. Kate Edwards who took a "deep dive" into the root causes of my symptoms, which had not been uncovered by anyone else. Her investigative and problem solving skills are without a doubt the best you can find. Dr. Edwards couples these skills with a very warm and accommodating caring delivery. It's a shame most of us didn't know to choose Dr. Edwards at the very beginning of a problem, or even better, before a problem arises to prevent the problem. She is simply "the best of the best," as is the entire team at Precision Performance."
Marathon & Ultramarathon runner
“I ran the 2009 Boston Marathon, with a painful hip and bad running form. I had been told by a physical therapist that I "can't run marathons anymore." In 2014, I found Dr. Kate Mihevc Edwards. Kate is a caring, thorough professional who uses a holistic approach, including dry needling and form assessment. This year I ran the 2017 Boston Marathon. I had fun and improved my finish time by 37 minutes and 14 seconds! Thanks, Kate!”

“I have been a patient of Kate Edwards since 2012. I came to Kate with arthritis problems of my left knee and low back and hip pain on the right side. I was not sleeping at night and taking large doses of anti-inflammatory drugs. My Orthopedic doctor thought I would benefit from physical therapy and my first stop was a physical therapy clinic that was a mill. I had a therapist that treated 3 – 4 patients at the same time! I felt as though I could have received the same instruction from a personal trainer. He never performed any hands on therapy with me choosing instead to use machines to facilitate his therapy.
A friend told me about Kate and expressed how she benefited from her help. I started seeing her and received immediate relief! Kate is so well-informed about the body and how it works that she’s usually nodding with understanding before I finish a description of my symptoms. She has worked diligently with me to strengthen the muscles around the areas where I have problems. I have avoided surgery due to her help and am able to continue participating in my favorite sport golf.
Kate is a very caring and “hands on” therapist and you have her undivided attention for the entire appointment – a real rarity these days!”

Runner & weight lifter
I love to work out, but unfortunately I have had my fair share of injuries as well as multiple physical therapists through the years. Kate is best the physical therapist that I have encountered. She was able to treat an ongoing issue and most importantly has taught me how to keep it from reoccurring. She focusing on the cause of the issues and as well as prevention. I have been able to return to all the physical activities that I love so much. Kate and her team are very welcoming and have made my experiences with physical therapy something pleasurable as opposed to being dreadful like the past. Kate is truly great.