As healthcare providers we have taken an oath to do no harm first and we intend to follow through on that promise. You should know that each of us are remaining at home outside of work. We are all limiting our contact, wearing masks and continue to practice social distancing outside of the office. We ask that you do the same. In the office we will have the appropriate PPE and precautions in place to serve you as safely as possible.
New Precautions:
We will taking your O2 levels when you enter the office. The research is showing this to be superior to temperature taking.
We have staggered the schedule so that only one patient will be coming in at a time.
We have created 15 minute blocks after each appointment so that we have ample time to clean the room, equipment, door handles etc. between appointments.
We ask that our patients wear a mask, come in at their appointment time, no earlier and go straight to the bathroom to wash their hands. You will not be permitted to stay in the waiting room.
The doors to each room with remain open to allow proper ventilation and we will make sure to appropriately drape and cover each patient for modesty.
The therapists and front office manager will be wearing masks, scrubs and gloves.
Should you choose to stay home we are still scheduling Telehealth appointments and our DIY PT programs are available for purchase on our website. Please feel free to call 770-842-1418 or email us at admin@precisionpt.org if you would like to schedule an appointment.
We know this is a big change in the way we are all used to doing things. This is a difficult time and we need to get used to this transition together. My only hope is that someday in the near future we will be able to return to a somewhat "normal" routine. Let's all work together to protect our community.
With Love and gratitude,
Your Precision Team


Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a hands-on technique that includes manipulation and mobilization of soft tissue, nerves and joints. It is used by the physical therapist to diagnose and treat structural impairments, pain and inflammation. Benefits of manual therapy include improvement to range of motion, tissue repair, extensibility and function. Patients also tend to see both pain reduction and movement facilitation.

Trigger point
DRy needling
Trigger point dry needling is an invasive, therapeutic treatment procedure that involves a filament needle being inserted into the skin and muscle in an area of the body that typically contains a trigger point. Dry needling is an effective treatment for many orthopedic and sports injuries, including acute and chronic pain.

Blood Flow Restriction
Blood Flow restriction (BFR) training utilizing cutting edge technology to safely and effectively improve muscle strength, muscle hypertrophy, improve muscle activation and the overall healing process. BFR is great for acute and chronic injuries, in conjunction with regenerative medicine such as PRP, overuse injuries and for performance purposes.

Functional &
Pilates Based
Functional Movement and Pilates-based exercise integrates the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle and the lower and upper extremities while emphasizing proper breathing and alignment. It allows patients and clients to use their entire kinetic chain while working on specific areas of dysfunction or impairment.

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

Redcord Neurac
Redcord is a suspension system used to challenge and improve the neuromuscular system through use of the NEURAC technique. Using the Redcord system, your physical therapist has the ability to challenge your muscle strength and stability dynamically while integrating coordination of several muscle groups and body systems